October Theme

September has come to an end. Colder nights are drawing in. It's getting darker. Colder.

Something moves in the shadows. You see it from the corner of your eye. Your heart begins to hammer in your chest as you slowly turn toward the movement and see...

Have you guessed our theme for October? That's right! We want you to scare us. Send us in anything that creates fear and tension - we're all studying texts that have scary moments in them, from the supernatural witches in Macbeth, and the ghostly spirits in A Christmas Carol, to the tense and gory moments in Of Mice and Men and Blood Brothers.

So, do your worst and try to send a shiver down our spine...if you dare!

Check out the next blog post for details of our October competition.

Don't forget, you can also send in a themed picture to feature alongside your writing, and comments on stories are always welcome.

Submissions can be handed in to Ms. Robinson. You can also email them to us at blogbhbs@gmail.com. 
If you would like your work to be published anonymously, just ask.


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