The House

Once upon a time I was walking through the dark forest as the wind was howling.

I came to an abandoned house.

 I walked up to the mouldy door and I wanted to go in. 

So I opened the door. It was as rusty as a chainsaw. I went in and  a light kept flickering like a power cut. 

All of a sudden the windows and the door flung open. 

Then the wind started howling like a ghost. 

The floor boards made a cracking noise suddenly... the house started crumbling down like a mountain crumbling.

 I ran as fast as I could, then it all went dusty. 

The creepy house was gone. 

 I ran through the woods as a creepy shadow started following me. 

I hid in a little house, and they could not find me.

I am still here now. Hiding.

Year 9


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