The Flashback

A bomb explodes, a few yards from my face.
My hands were trembling as I was thrown backwards. I heard cries of agony as more and more poor young men’s bodies fell helplessly to the floor.
Another one.
I heard one man say, “Tell my wife and daughters I love them very much and…” but he never finished. 
I could see my best friend, Bernard, dying in front of me. I wanted to carry him away to safety, but knew there was no saving him, and if I went to get him, I would die too.
Now I know this won’t end before Christmas.
I crouched behind the trench trying to shield myself from the debris that was flying everywhere.
And then the whistle blew.
I had to go over the top.
As I was struggling to get up, the wet and slippery ladder guys on my left and right were falling down like dominos. Flashbacks of my family were racing through my head.
All went dark.

I opened my eyes and my wife was reassuring me that I was ok.
I found myself huddled in a ball with my hands over my ears looking out to the field of poppies.
Year 9


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