Christmas Eve

‘Twas the night before Christmas
when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring
not even a mouse.

But in the silence,
Stomps are heard,
They stroll around,
Without a word.

You hide under covers,
the steps coming nearer,
but when it walks in your room,
It couldn’t be clearer.

It was the Christmas llama!
He strolled to your bed.
He gave you a bucket,
That rested on his head.

You looked in the bucket,
It was filled with llama milk!
You gave the llama a hug,
The llamas fur was like silk.

The llama walked to the window,
and began to stare.
“Goodbye human!”
“And take care!”

The llama flew off into the moon.
Goodbye Christmas llama.
We’ll see you soon.
- Miss. A
Year 8


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