Would you like Brexit with that?

A non fiction piece to kick off our January blog entries!

Love it, or hate it, we've all heard of it. As we all know, Brexit is a contentious issue for many people, and this piece sums up one person's view:

When was the last time you tuned in to yet another Brexit negotiation? 
Are you the eyes to the right? 

You may be expecting Theresa May to leap over us, protecting us from anything disconcerting - the lioness over her cubs?
However, Brexit is fast becoming a side order with every part of our aggravated country. 

However easy leaving the European Union sounds, we are lucky enough to have a parliament that cannot agree on anything other than who sits in what seat. A far cry from the likes of an educated MP.
Fundamentally, Mrs May isn’t doing a great job - only hanging in by a thread. 

We as a country are slowly falling under the rafters of all this Brexit nonsense. I myself have watched numerous votes regarding the topic, having not fully understood the concept originally. 

To get any deal done where there are such clashing views all around requires give and take. 
It feels like a political lifetime since there has been a fundamental dispute in the cabinet, in the Tory party and across Parliament. 
Theresa May has stubbornly, although understandably, tried to plot a middle course.
But that has failed so spectacularly at this stage. Ultimately she may well be left with the same dilemma of which way to tack.

It's clear, wide open, in public, that parliament is at odds with each other. Just listen to people questioning on whether a customs union could be a compromise for example.
The answer for her is not suddenly going to emerge from a unified tier of her top team. There are perhaps five or six of the cabinet who would be happy to see that kind of relationship as a way to bring Labour on board.

Irrefutably, we are two years on from the vote and yet all we’ve managed to do is gain a new prime minister and decide we don’t like this one either. 

Year 11


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